Genes are made of DNA and are inherited from parent to offspring. Soma DNA sequences code form RNA which, in turn, codes for the amino acid sequence of proteins. Cytochrome C is a protein involved in using energy in the cell. Cytochrome C is found in most, if not all, known eukaryotes. Over time, random mutations in the DNA sequence occur. As a result, the amino acid sequence of Cytochrome C also changes. Cells without usable Cytochrome C are unlikely to survive.
Cytochrome C is associated with the inter membrane of the mitochondrion. It is a small protein from eucaryote cell.
the function is to produce energy, is a part of a electron transport chain (ATP).
Our propose is to compare the relatedness between organism by examining the amino acids sequence in the protein, Cytochrome C.
- Compare the amino acid sequence of Cytochrome C in various organism.
- Make a branching tree, or cladogram.
1.- How many Cytochrome C amino acid sequence differences are there between chickens and turkeys?
0 differences.
2.- Make a branching tree for chikens, penguins, and turkeys.
3.- a) Predict the number of Cytochrome C amino acid sequence differences you would expect to see between
- horse and zebra: 1 or 2
- donkey and zebra: 1 or 2
b) what other information did you use to make this prediction?
They can reproduce, the offspring is fertile, comparing the organs or anatomic proofs, comparing embryos.
4.- Explain why more closely related organism have more similar Cytochrome C.
Not so long ago that there have been separated and many mutations. There are fewer differences in DNA.
5.- Other data including other genes, suggests that fungi are more closely related to animals than plants. What are some reasons that the Cytochrome C data suggests that fungi, plants, and animals are equally distantly related?
If you have more than 40, suffered a lot of mutations and can not be compared. If Compares other proteins, there are other changes and we can not draw more conclusions.
Write no how to.